Water for Food E-newsletter Sees 20% Increase in Readership

The monthly Water for Food Digest e-newsletter is an important communication tool for reaching stakeholders with current news and events related to its work. DWFI launched the e-newsletter in late 2013 with fewer than 300 subscribers. Since then, the institute has increased its readership by promoting the newsletter at its events and inviting new partners and collaborators to subscribe.
This past fiscal year, the Digest readership has grown from 2,258 subscribers to more than 2,712 — an increase of more than 20 percent. Not only is DWFI reaching more people with its communication, those people are also engaged in its content. The Digest has an average open rate of 41 percent, meaning almost half of those who received the email actually opened it. This is an impressive number, especially compared to the average industry-wide open rate of just 20 percent. DWFI’s stakeholders trust the Digest to include interesting and timely information that is relevant to our shared mission of improving water and food security.
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- Overview
- Letter from the Executive Director
Research and Projects
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- Nebraska Smart Farms Drive Technology Adoption
Faculty Fellows and Supported Students
- DWFI Welcomes Eight New Faculty Fellows
- DWFI Funds Research of 10 New Students in Food and Water Security
- Water for Food Student Impact Workshop and Research Forum
- Investigating Climate’s Influence on Atrazine Groundwater Contamination
- Sustainable Water Management: Solving the Mystery of Nebraska’s Intricate Aquifer System
- Drones Provide Detailed Picture of Wetland Health
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Global and National
- Virtual Webinar Series Attracts Various Audiences
- One Health Webinar Series Discusses Health and Well-being of Humans Animals and the Environment
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- Plans for Water for Food Global Forum Underway
- Regional Event Localizes Findings of the 2020 Lancet Countdown Report
- Communication
- Development and Organizational Sustainability
- Resources
- Search
- Overview
- Letter from the Executive Director
Research and Projects
Global and National
- DWFI Leads Smallholder Sustainable Irrigation Entrepreneurship Project in Sub-Saharan Africa
- New Agricultural Water Economics Team Advances Water Policy
- Small Rwandan Agribusiness Entrepreneurs Work in New Ways Following COVID-19 Restrictions
- Future Farming: Integrated Water Management Leads to Profitability and Sustainability
- Modeling Brazilian Aquifer Will Help Farmers Maximize Crop Water Productivity
- DWFI experts contribute to FAOs State of Food and Agriculture 2020
- Hub Brings Together Faculty for Greater Impact in Water and Cropping Systems
- Researchers Explore Potential AltEn Ethanol Plant Contamination Effects on Local Residents
- Impact of Covid-19 on Midwest Agtech Entrepreneurship
- Nebraska Nitrate Working Groups Tackle Persistent Drinking Water Contamination
- Nebraska Smart Farms Drive Technology Adoption
Faculty Fellows and Supported Students
- DWFI Welcomes Eight New Faculty Fellows
- DWFI Funds Research of 10 New Students in Food and Water Security
- Water for Food Student Impact Workshop and Research Forum
- Investigating Climate’s Influence on Atrazine Groundwater Contamination
- Sustainable Water Management: Solving the Mystery of Nebraska’s Intricate Aquifer System
- Drones Provide Detailed Picture of Wetland Health
- Understanding Corn Ear Abnormalities to Close Yield Gaps
- Examining the Effects of Agrichemical Contaminants on Pediatric Cancers
Global and National
- Virtual Webinar Series Attracts Various Audiences
- One Health Webinar Series Discusses Health and Well-being of Humans Animals and the Environment
- Water and Health Summit Brings Together Leaders to Clarify Issues in Nebraska, Define Solutions
- NWC Hosts Virtual Mini-Conference
- Policy Team Leads Student Course on Securing and Sustaining Water for Food Globally
- Plans for Water for Food Global Forum Underway
- Regional Event Localizes Findings of the 2020 Lancet Countdown Report
- Communication
- Development and Organizational Sustainability
- Resources
- Search
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