Leadership & Staff
Our core DWFI staff are an essential part of our mission and work every day toward a more water and food secure world. In addition to DWFI staff, we also work closely with those from the Nebraska Water Center, the Water Sciences Lab and the Water, Climate and Health Program. These staff can be viewed under the “Sub-Entities” box to the right.
Distinguished Fellows
DWFI Distinguished Fellows are eminent scholars, practitioners and long-time partners of the institute who provide guidance and historical context.
Faculty Fellows
DWFI Faculty Fellows are faculty within the University of Nebraska system who contribute to DWFI’s research, scholarship, engagement and education programs. Faculty Fellow status gives formal recognition of an individual’s accomplishments and expertise and includes the Fellow in a community of faculty with complementary interests. Additionally, DWFI Faculty Fellows are eligible to apply to DWFI’s Supported Student Program, which provides funding for their student researchers working on projects that contribute to the institute’s mission. Faculty Fellows match DWFI student support one-to-one.
International Advisory Panel
The DWFI International Advisory Panel (IAP) provides high-level guidance and strategic direction to the institute. Composed of distinguished international leaders in water, food, and development, the IAP offers invaluable expertise and insights to ensure the institute's research, education, and engagement activities effectively address the pressing global challenges of food and water security.
Interns & Students
Leadership & Staff
Our core DWFI staff are an essential part of our mission and work every day toward a more water and food secure world. In addition to DWFI staff, we also work closely with those from the Nebraska Water Center, the Water Sciences Lab and the Water, Climate and Health Program. These staff can be viewed under the “Sub-Entities” box to the right.
Visiting Researchers and Scholars
Visiting Researchers and Scholars are distinguished academics, professionals, and practitioners from around the world who join DWFI on a temporary basis. They contribute to the Institute's research and scholarly activities through collaborative projects, seminars, workshops, and other forms of intellectual exchange. Their varied expertise and international perspectives enrich the Institute's research environment and foster innovative solutions to global water and food challenges.
Global Fellows
Daugherty Water for Food Institute Global Fellows are faculty members and researchers external to the University of Nebraska who provide significant and sustained contributions to the Institute’s global research, scholarship, engagement and education programs. Global Fellows substantively and geographically complement the institute leadership’s and Faculty Fellows’ areas of expertise, thereby expanding the Institute’s capacity to implement projects internationally. Appointments are non-salaried.