Many skills and information sources are required to implement a shared-pivot project, so detailed lists that identify key issues and items to be tackled are essential. Separate Roadmaps are provided below for each phase of a project: Technical Investigation, Social Steps, Implementation and Production. Click on the numbered boxes below for more information.

Technical Investigation
- Visual Assessment
- Soil Sampling
- Hydrogeological Survey
- Pivot Layout
- Power Assessment
- Soil/Water Verification
- Feasibility Study
- Marketing Plan
- Business Plan
- Go/No Go Decision
- Identify potential farmer groups
- Look for partners
- Research land & water issues
- Initial group meeting
- Organizing the farmers
- Business plan
- Signing of contracts
- Preparing site
- Start production
- Plan project stages
- Water delivery plan
- Select personnel
- Purchase equipment
- De-bush pivot & building sites
- Erect buildings & housing
- Erect pump houses & install equipment
- Install piping
- Purchase & ship farming equipment
- Ship & erect pivots
- Purchase & ship storage/post-harvest equipment
- Commission complete irrigation systems
- Begin production operations
- Seasonal Financing
- Crop Selection
- Crop Inputs
- Field Preparation
- Planting
- Irrigation Planning
- Weed, Disease and Pest Control
- Harvest
- Post-Harvest