1. Seasonal Financing
- Lease vs Purchase of a Center-Pivot Irrigation System: A Georgia Example (Link broken - http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/30434/1/14020037.pdf)
- Budget Analysis and Assessment of Investments in Water Smart Agriculture for Uganda and East Africa (Link broken - https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/189410/2/)
2. Crop Selection
- PMC Scientific Data: An Agricultural Survey of more than 9,500 African Households
- Sustainable Agriculture and Research Education: Selecting the best cover crops for your farm
- Decision Making tool for Crop Selection for Agricultural Development (Link broken - https://unl.box.com/s/40cwis04v9niq35ow46z9epzr6ebrcod)
- The World Bank: Crop Selection Adapting to Climate Change in Africa
- Crop Folder (Link broken - https://unl.box.com/s/z8fy2pdfgvbqcbfwiyxtcf8b98rwkrj7)
- Trade Standards
- South Africa: Food and Agriculture Import Regulations and Standards
- The World Bank: Standards and Global Trade: A Voice for Africa (Link broken - http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTTRADECOSTANDFACILITATION/Resources/Standards&GlobalTrade_VoiceForAfrica.pdf)
- World Trade Organization: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measure
3. Crop Inputs
- University of Arkansas: Corn Production Handbook (Link broken - https://www.uaex.edu/publications/pdf/mp437/mp437.pdf)
- Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management: Crop Selection
- Soil Preparation for Potato Planting (Link broken - http://www.potatoes.co.za/SiteResources/documents/Soil preparation 2004.pdf)
- Cover Crops: Best Management Practices
- Fertilizer
- Training Manual on Fertilizer Statistics in Africa
- West Africa Fertilizer Program (Link broken - https://www.usaid.gov/west-africa-regional/fact-sheets/west-african-regional-fertilizer-program-wafp)
- FAO: Fertilizer use by crop in South Africa
- Republic of South Africa: Regulations Regarding Fertilizer (Link broken - http://www.nda.agric.za/doaDev/sideMenu/ActNo36_1947/gg35666 nn732 Fertilizers.pdf)
4. Field Preparation
- Michigan State University: Prepping an old neglected field for crop production (part 1) & (part 2)
- FAO: Land Preparation and Crop Establishment
- FAO:
- CropWat
- ClimWatLink
- Tutorial (Link broken - https://www.wikihow.com/Develop-an-Irrigation-Schedule-Using-Cropwat-8.0)
- Tutorial2
5. Planting
back to roadmap
6. Irrigation Planning
- NRCS: Pivot Irrigation Water management Plan (Link broken - https://unl.box.com/s/t9040ypxe2n8hk8h44sumt7zmoqn4hr3)
7. Weed, Disease and Pest Control
- World Bank: Is Increasing Inorganic Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa Profitable?
- Southeast FarmPress: Chemical Fertilization Through Pivot System & Rate Example
- Colorado State University: Applying Pesticides through center-pivot irrigation systems (Link broken - https://dspace.library.colostate.edu/bitstream/handle/10217/182335/AEXT_ucsu206224713.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y)
- UNL: Application of Liquid Animal Manures Using Center Pivot Irrigation Systems
8. Harvest
back to roadmap
9. Post-Harvest
back to roadmap
10. Go/No Go Decision
- Based on the implications provided in the previous steps, and if the land, shareholders, and equipment needed, is accessible. You are able to move onto the implementation stage.