AfDB - African Development Bank
AGRA - Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa
AGRF - African Green Revolution Forum
ALEXI - Atmosphere-Land Exchange Inverse
APLU - Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities
ARD - Agricultural Research Division - UNL
BGMA - Bazile Groundwater Management Area
BMGF - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
CAP - Coordinated Agricultural Project
CASNR - College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln
CDI - Composite Drought Index
CGIAR - Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
CIP - International Potato Center
CUSP - CASNR Undergraduate Scholarship Program
DGs - Distillers’ Grains
DHHS - Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
DHS - Demographic and Health Survey
DNR - Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
DWFI - Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska
EDF - Environmental Defense Fund
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
ESALQ - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture
ET - Evapotranspiration
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAL - Future Agriculture Leaders
FAP - Faculty Advisory Panel
FCC - Federal Communications Commission
FTF - Feed the Future
FWS - Fish and Wildlife Service, Dept. of Interior
FY - Fiscal Year
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GHG - Greenhouse Gas
GHI - Global Harvest Initiative
GIS - Geographical Information System
GloDET - Global Daily Evapotranspiration
GNP - Gross National Product
GWI - Global Water Initiative
GWP - Global Water Partnership
GYGA - Global Yield Gap and Water Productivity Atlas
HA - Hectare
HHD - Husker Harvest Days
IANR - Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at UNL
IAP - International Advisory Panel
IARI - Indian Agricultural Research Institute
ICBA - International Center for Biosaline Agriculture
ICID - International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
iDE - International Development Enterprises
IDIQ - Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity
IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFPRI - International Food Policy Research Institute
IGAD - Intergovernmental Authority on Development
IHE Delft - Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands
IIC - Irrigation Innovation Consortium
IICA - Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
ILIMS - Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Irrigation and Mechanization Systems
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPGRI - International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
IRB - Institutional Review Board
IRRI - International Rice Research Institute
IUSSTF - Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum
IWHR - China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
IWMI - International Water Management Institute
MDG Millennium Development Goals
MENA Middle East and North Africa
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NARD Nebraska Association of Resources Districts
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NDEE - Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy
NDMC National Drought Mitigation Center at UNL
Nebraska EPSCoR - Nebraska’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
NET - Nebraska Environmental Trust
NEWBA - Nebraska Water Balance Alliance
NGO Non-governmental Organization
NIC Nebraska Innovation Campus
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NRD Natural Resources District
NRT - NSF Research Traineeship
NSF - National Science Foundation
NU University of Nebraska
NWC Nebraska Water Center
NWPR - Nebraska Water Productivity Report
OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
ORED - Office of Research and Economic Development at UNL
RBDF - Robert B. Daugherty Foundation
SDG - Sustainable Development Goals
SETMI - Spatial Evapotranspiration Modeling Interface
SIWI - Swedish International Water Institute
TNC - The Nature Conservancy
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UN - United Nations
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO-IHE - UNESCO Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands
UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
UNK - University of Nebraska at Kearney
UNL - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
UNMC - University of Nebraska Medical Center
UNO - University of Nebraska at Omaha
USAID - U.S. Agency for International Development
USDA - U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDA-ARS - USDA Agricultural Research Service
USDA-ERS - USDA Economic Research Service
USDA-NIFA - USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture
USDA-OCE - United States Department of Agriculture - Office of Chief Economist
USGS - U.S. Geological Survey
WADI - Water and Development Indefinite Quantity Contract, USAID
WARI - Water Advanced Research and Innovation
WB - World Bank
WCHP - Water, Climate and Health Program
WFP - World Food Prize
WFP - World Food Programme
WHO - World Health Organization
WP - Water Productivity
WSL - Water Sciences Laboratory, NWC
WWC - World Water Council
WWF - World Water Forum
WWF - World Wildlife Fund
WWW - World Water Week, Stockholm
Top image caption
A green rice field in Thailand.
Credit: Serra Photograph | Shutterstock
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