Sarah Keener
Leads the Social Inclusion team
The Water Global Practice of the World Bank
Sarah Keener, leads the Social Inclusion team within the World Bank Water Global Practice, providing strategic leadership for the Water GP on social inclusion, gender and citizen engagement. She has worked for over 20 years with the World Bank Group in the Middle East and North African Region, the Latin American and Caribbean Region, and the Africa Region, coordinating the citizen engagement agenda at the regional level and focusing on integrating social inclusion into World Bank operations. Her background in the water sector includes management of a stakeholder engagement project on the Nile Basin, collaboration on the Africa Region Infrastructure Flagship with a chapter on water provision to the urban poor, management of technical assistance focused on infrastructure regulation, and development of innovative approaches to peri-urban water provision in Peru, Mozambique, Angola, Lesotho, Zambia and elsewhere. While in the Middle East and North African Social and Urban unit, she focused on municipal operations across the region to mainstream citizen engagement and voice in municipal performance incentives, worked with clients to develop innovative ICT enabled citizen engagement platforms in the infrastructure sector (energy, transport, water), and managed a regional facility on energy and gender. Ms. Keener, an American national, holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.