Dr. Sammy Akasheh joined the Water for Food Institute in July 2017. He is specialized in remote sensing applications and imagery processing for Land Cover Mapping and Land-Atmosphere Interaction, specifically energy balance approach to estimate vegetation evapotranspiration.
His past experience involved using high resolution airborne remote sensing to map the riparian vegetation for many rivers in the western and central parts of United States. Currently, Dr. Akasheh’s work focuses on mapping global daily evapotranspiration using Atmospheric-Land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI) model in collaboration with the Institute’s partners from NASA, USDA, and University of Maryland.
In addition he oversees the Global Daily Evapo-Transpiration (GloDET) (https://glodet.nebraska.edu/index.html#/ ) website, where global Evapotranspiration product is being published to be used for drought monitoring system, stakeholders and farmers operations etc.
Sammy holds a doctorate degree in Irrigation Engineering from Utah State University.