Carlos Sanquetta
Full Professor of the UFPR
Department of Forest Sciences
Graduated in Forestry from the Federal University of Paraná UFPR (1985). Completed the master's degree in Forest Management at UFPR (1990) and also attended master's degree in Forestry and Ecology by Ehime University, Japan (1990). Ph.D. in Ecology and Management of Forest Resources by the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Japan (1994). Post-doctoral from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan (1995) on Ecosystem Management. Post-doctoral on Forest Management and Climate Change in the University of Lisbon, Portugal, by the ES - Program for Senior Overseas Internship of CAPES. Full Professor of the UFPR at the Department of Forest Sciences. CNPq Researcher since 1994. Visiting Professor of several educational and research institutions in Brazil and abroad. Member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and expert of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Author of 25 books and over 500 technical and scientific papers. Supervised more than 100 graduate research works, from doctoral theses, master´s dissertations and specialization monographs. Reviewer and adhoc of various national and international organizations. Reviewer of international scientific journals, such as Annals of Forest Science, Forestry, Forest Ecology and Management, Biomass and Bioenergy, Ecological Modelling, Carbon Balance and Management, Plant Ecology and Diversity, Carbon Management, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Bosque, among others. Major in Forestry, Ecology, Climate Change, and Certification Schemes to Forestry, Agriculture and Environment.