Barbara Van Koppen
Emeritus Scientist
International Water Management Institute
Barbara van Koppen (PhD) is Emeritus Scientist, International Water Management Institute, based in the IWMI Southern Africa office in Pretoria. She has led multi-country (action-) research in Anglophone and Francophone Africa and Asia on community-driven water service delivery and on plural water laws and policies reform from a gender and human rights perspective. She is lead-author and -editor of five books and (co-) author of over 150 international peer-reviewed publications. She is the Coordinator of the Multiple Use water Services (MUS) Theme in the Rural Water Supply Network. She was member of Board of the Water Research Commission South Africa, and in the Steering Committee of the Global Water Partnership. Before joining IWMI she was assistant professor Gender and Irrigation at Wageningen University and Research Centre. She also worked five years in Burkina Faso as Technical Assistant for the Dutch Development Organization SNV. Barbara obtained her Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees as rural sociologist and nutritionist, specializing in poverty, gender and water, from Wageningen University and Research Centre, the Netherlands.