Armand Houanye
Regional Executive Secretary of GWP in West Africa
Global Water Partnership
Armand Houanye has over 20 years experience in agricultural water management, integrated water resources management (IWRM), climate resilience, water governance. He holds a master’s degree in Climate Risks Management with a Diploma of Agricultural Engineering. From 2005 to 2017, Armand Houanye coordinated or was involved in IWRM, water security and climate resilience development projects at national and regional levels in Africa.
Since October 2017, Armand Houanye is the Regional Executive Secretary of GWP in West Africa (GWP-WA). He is in charge of development, planning and coordination of GWP-WA operations targeting the regional level and the 15 West African countries through thematic programmes and projects including: (i) Integrated Drought Management Programme in West Africa, Water Climate and Development Programme and Gender (WACDEP-G 2020-2025), Project Water for Growth and Poverty Reduction in the Mékrou transboundary River Basin Phase 2: Mekrou Project Niger 2020-2022.