Soumya Balasubramanya is currently a Senior Economist at the World Bank’s Environment, Global practice. She was previously with the CGIAR between 2011-2022. She conducts field-based research on poverty, development and equity challenges in Asia and Africa, at the nexus of water, agriculture, environment, energy, and health, using large sample survey data. She collaborates with universities, governments, and the private sector in low-, middle- and high-income countries to influence research, dialogue, funding, policy, and practice on inclusive development. She is an Associate Editor for the journals, World Development, Agricultural Economics, and Water Resources and Economics. She also coordinates the Committee for Women in Agricultural Economics of the International Association of Agricultural Economics. Her academic affiliations include University of Waterloo, University of Nebraska, and Texas A & M University. Her research has been featured in media outlets such as BBC, Forbes, NPR, The Economist and The Guardian. She has a Ph.D. in Environment and Development Economics from Duke University.